Non-Member to Non-Member Astrological Comparison Service

Using the Astro-Grid™ to compare compatibility between two non-members (any two people you have birth information for) is outside the scope of this dating site. However, this ability is available at
!!! Special Promotion !!!
Most astrology sites charge up to $29.95 for a single computer generated compatibility analysis. Right now you can get 30 days of unlimited access to run as many Astro-Grid comparisons as you want for just $9.95.

You can compare your compatibility with current or previous lovers, for all your friends and their partners, for your family members and any new person you might meet. You can run Astro-Grid comparisons dozens, even hundreds of times, in 30 days for just pennies a piece. The Astro-Grid is a great icebreaker at parties, schools, the office or anywhere you can find wireless Internet access with a lap top.

To learn more, visit . . .

Right now we are still beta testing everything so you can have free access to compare compatibility with anyone you know using the link below.
Dual Person Grid Input Page