Part One Part Three

Using the Astro-Grid®: Part Two

Interpreting More Details From Each Grid Square

Each grid square displays most of the information used to calculate the score for each planetary relationship. (The sign and degree for each planet are found in the planet boxes along the top and left of the grid.) While the score alone is sufficient to explain how the two planets interact, the aspect, sign and house information can be used to derive more specific details. Use the aspect, sign and house buttons along the top of the grid to view explanations for each of these additional elements. Click on the planet symbol inside the planet boxes to view detailed descriptions for each individual planet.

(You can also bring up a planet description by clicking on the planet position info in either of the two narrow rows within the grid.)

The Planets indicate which areas of personality are being compared.

The Aspect, or angle between the two planets, determines the quality of interaction between the personality characteristics indicated by the planets. The way planets aspect each other is usually the most important element involved in determining compatibility.

Sign: The characteristics of each planet are modified by the sign it falls in. (Signs are indicated in each planet box.)

House: In addition to the 12 signs, an astrological chart is also divided into 12 houses which represent different areas of life. When an aspect (angle) between two planets is "out of orb" (too far away from a particular angle) no aspect symbol appears in the grid square and house placement becomes an important element in interpretation.


The house numbers appear in the lower corners of each grid square. The number on the lower left is the house in the other person's chart where your planet falls. "7th" here means your planet (shown in the planet box on the left side of the grid) falls in the 7th house of the other person. If you remember that your planets are on the left side of the grid, you can also remember that the house number on the left of each grid square is where your planet falls in the other person's chart. Your planets are on the left. The number on the lower right is the house in your chart where the other person's planet falls. "3rd" here means the other person's planet (shown along the top of the grid) falls in your 3rd house.

Let's say that you are looking at the grid square comparing your Moon to someone's Sun. You can look at the house position number on the bottom right of the grid square to see which of your houses the other person's Sun is in.

If their Sun is in your third house, for example, their inner self (Sun) will stimulate your emotional being (Moon) in the area of communication (third house). In other words, who they are inside will stimulate your desire to communicate emotionally. If the grid score is high, the emotional communication will flow easily. If the grid square score is low the communication may be difficult.

If your Sun is in their seventh house of partnerships ("7th" on the bottom left of the grid square) your Sun (inner being) would stimulate their Moon (emotions) in the area of long term commintment. A high grid score would indicate a significant emotional desire on their part to form such a commitment, while a low score would involve difficulties for them emotionally when it comes to that subject. It is unlikely, in this case, that the score would be low because your Sun in someone's seventh house is generally a very favorable situation. A low score would require an unfortunate aspect between the two planets being compared.

In this example the Moon/Sun grid square is almost as bad as it gets. The angle between the two planets is 83 degrees or "within orb" of a Square (90 degree) aspect, the most difficult aspect there is. This indicates a great deal of emotional stress experienced by the person whose Moon is in conflict with the inner self of the other's Sun. The Sun of the person on top is in the 12th house of the other person, the twelfth house being an area of unseen spiritual influences like "karma." The attraction may be strong as a result, but the conditions will be difficult for the person whose Moon and 12th house are affected.

At the same time the person with the Sun being squared by the other's Moon will feel consistently misunderstood due to the other's emotional reactions, though with that person's Moon in their ninth house (education, philosophy and travel) there will be a sense of all things working toward a greater good, or at least an ability to look at things "philosophically."

The primary significance of any grid square is the relationship between the two planets being compared, but the house information provides more detail if you choose to look for it. If the exact time of birth is not known house positions can not be calculated, so house numbers will not appear in the grid squares for the person who's time of birth is missing.

Click the aspect, sign or house buttons near the top of the grid to see all the aspect, sign or house info at one time. Click the planet symbol or sign/degree in each planet box to see the planet or sign info for just the planet and sign involved in that row or column.

It isn't necessary to use all this information in order to use the grid effectively. In fact, it could take hours to analyze every detail available in every grid square. But the information is available for those who want to take the time to learn all they can about that special someone.

Once you have become familiar with using the grid, you may want to view "part three" for even more details about using the grid, and about astrological compatibility in general.

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